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Business Succession

Business succession is part of our business solutions platform designed to help business owners successfully transition out of their business. We offer the following strategies based on your clients’ unique needs and characteristics:

  • Buy-sell strategies
  • Transfer strategies

Exit planning (for a fee) is also available for certain circumstances.

Learn the process, tools, resources, and questions to help your clients better understand the benefits of an informal Business Valuation/Buy-Sell Review.

See what Rusty Rohe, owner and general manager of Dahl Air Conditioning & Heating, said about the importance of a business valuation when creating a business succession plan. Watch the video (0:34)

See what one former owner learned during the business succession process—and how you could help people like him. 
Watch the video (2:18) • Share his story (OFT) 

Check out additional resources below, or explore materials that show how individual disability insurance can help with the successful transfer of a business.

For financial professional use only.


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