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Life insurance: The next generation of Accelerated Underwriting


A message from Nate Berns—AVP & Chief Underwriter, Life

I’m delighted to announce an updated Principal Accelerated UnderwritingSM program is now in effect. Leveraging the latest in data science, along with industry information and our own deep experience, we’ve refreshed our model to help more clients get life insurance without labs or medical exams.

We've been a long-time participant in the accelerated underwriting market—now over a decade. I’m excited about how we’ve taken this program and evolved the analytical model (or engine that runs it) to take the next big leap. The framework we’ve built is flexible, allowing us to quickly make adjustments as needed. The result will be an even more effective program with an increase, over time, in the percentage of qualifying applicants approved.

Accelerated underwriting can be an ideal solution for small and midsize businesses, their owners, and key employees. As you review carrier options for your next case, consider what sets our accelerated underwriting program apart:

  • It’s fast—approvals can occur in as little as 24 hours.
  • We have over a decade of experience, making us a market leader.
  • Unlike some carriers’ programs that are designed to handle small Term cases on young individuals, ours is broadly available with up to $3 million in coverage ($5 million for Principal Executive Variable Universal Life III) and all products eligible. 

Get the program details. Questions? Contact your underwriter. 


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