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Interest Rate History

Indexed Universal Life Flex 2 (2025)


Price Return Cap Total Return Cap
1/25 - 8.50% 1/25 - 11.00%

Participation Rate:

Price Return Participation Rate Total Return Participation Rate
1/25 - 100% 1/25 - 100%


Price Return Floor Total Return Floor
1/25 - 0% 1/25 – 0%


Fixed Account Rate
1/25- 4.90%


Indexed Universal Life Accumulation II (2024)


Price Return Cap Price Return High Cap

Total Return Ca

02/24 - 9.00%

02/24 - 12.50% 02/24 - 11.00%

Participation Rate:

Price Return Participation Rate Price Return High Cap Participation Rate

Total Return Participation Rate

02/24 - 100%

02/24 - 100% 02/24 - 100%


Price Return Floor Price Return High Cap Floor

Total Return Floor

02/24 - 0%

02/24 - 0% 02/24 - 0%

Fixed Account Rate:

02/24 - 4.60%

Segment Charge

Price Return High Cap
02/24 - 1.00%

Universal Flex III (ULF3)

Policy Years 1-5:

04/18 – 3.75
06/20 - 3.60
09/23 - 4.35

Policy Years 6+:

04/23 - 3.90
09/23 - 4.65

VUL Income IV (VULI4)

10/19 – 2.80
06/20 - 2.65
09/23 - 3.40


Executive Variable Universal Life 3 (EVUL3 )

11/19 – 2.95
06/20 - 2.80
09/23 - 3.55


VUL Income II (VUL4), VUL Income III (VUL5), and VUL Income lV (VUL14) DCA RATES 

6 Month Acct  12 Month Acct
02/03 - 9.00 02/03 - 7.50
05/06 - 12.00 05/06 - 10.00
11/08 - 9.00 11/08 - 7.00
05/20 - 7.00 05/20 - 5.00


UL Provider Edge 2 (ULPE2)

01/21 – 3.75
09/23 - 4.50


Survivorship UL Provider (SUP1)

12/21 – 3.75
09/23 - 4.50


Note: Interest rates for a specific product may not update at the same time other products have interest rate updates. An example would be when a product has already reached its minimum guaranteed interest rate.

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